Hepatitis B Free Immunisation 2012

CC Buch Public Charitable Trust Free Hepatitis B Vaccination 2nd dose to the Residet Blind Girls at Vadodara arranged by DRCSBUCH,Trustee on 08-10-12 

Blind Girls in Balwadi were brave enough to take Hep B pricks 

Seen alongwith are Divyabahen Gandh Gandhi filling Syringes and helping the Nursing staff for the Injections

Girls getting Sweetened Milk and Patries curtsey Anat Gandhi Birthday celebration in advance

                                         Vision Testing


              DR PRAKRUTI PATEL and Sister Divya with the Children
                The PUFFS from the parents of a deceased 20 year girl to the Blind Girls every month on 8th !


    In memory of their daughter they donate Puffs every month on 8th ! What a good gesture to keep memory      of their alive and doing something good socially and a demonstration  of  LOVE towards blind daughters!

     About to complete the second round of Hep B Free Vaccination by CCBuch Public Charitable Trust
            We take opportunity to THANK the DONORS for their WHOLE HEARTED support


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