Tipe Tipe Tandurasti :

Audio recordings of the clips that were played on Big Chay with Tejal Jani on Big FM 92.7 FM daily morning from December 2011 
The Air Show "Tipe Tipe Tandurasti" is not only appreciated by the listeners but ALSO the BIG FM owners and Managers as this is THE FIRST DAILY HEALTH TIPS SHOW by a DOCTOR anywhere in the country .The other stations of BIG FM or OTHER Radios have done it intermittently or temporarily but with usually RJs and NOT with REAL PRACTICING MEDICAL DOCTOR.

BIG FM is planning to broadcast such shows from its BIGGEST Radio Station NETWORK all over India by requesting Local Doctors in every state to carry out similar Air SHow with their help to educate the non-reading and non-literate persons who ALSO need HEALTH CARE information to look after their family health and as we know in todays time even the poorest of poor,not to miss out even the BLIND people, afford and possess a MOBILE and THAT IS THE CRUX of the matter that NO MATTER where they ARE and what they ARE -educated or uneducated USEFUL HEALTH INFO and not lectures but ONLY TIPS of less than 60 seconds REACH THEM even at construction site or a tailor shop.

Such an increase in REACH unrelated to the RICH ONLY is THE NEED of the HOUR for INDIA and I am very proud to be THE FIRST one DOING it ,rather than planning to do IT !Thanks BIG FM for this opportunity and also thanks LISTENERS for your feedback and live support on FB,Twitter in Person and also by other means.It means a lot to me .

These recordings have made me specially happy because NOW with this INITIATIVE HEALTH INFORMATION is available to the resident blind girls at Vadodara whom we could NOT reach even after publishing the HEALTH TOPICS in vernacular language in LOCAL PRINT Media including the Press,News Papers and Monthly Magazine. So vast is the REACH of 'SOUND' that I am convinced it was even by intention and by fluke during casual talk a very SOUND IDEA and it DID and HAS changed LIVES!

Happy and HEALTH LIVING to all of you,
I remain 
Clinical Sound Buch


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