FOCUS on ABILITY ,NOT Disability

Wishing Ability to all on International Disability Day on Dec 3rd
We are happy that our work for them not only reduced the impact of disability but 
empowered them to achieve more and get awards more than the normal persons.
We associated ,attempted and promoted and ,,,,

Ortho handicapped girls became
Wheel Chair Dance All India Champions

Blind girls Braille work got recognised from Vadodara and got into Limca Book of Records

Our participation with Paraplegic patients for Kayaking in river and sea water thanks to 
Devang Kharod culminated in India Book of Records

Enabling hunger satisfaction, economic disability reduction, educational handicap and physical, 
mental, deaf and autistic and slum children were other beneficiaries.

Defeat Disability Digitally project of our trustee DrCSBuch has been very successful and 
CC Buch Public Charitable Trust is thankful to Trustee for Enabling the Disabled..


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