VAH-Cost Saving Braille Project gets INDIA BOOK of RECORDS 2014

VAH Cost Saving Braille Project The Ecofriendly First Braille Project at INDIA for Visually Impaired Girls Congratulations to Dr Chaitanya S Buch for getting 3rd National Award for his work in Health On Air and now on FIRST ECO-FREINDLY BRAILLE PROJECT for THE BLIND GIRLS from India Book of Records 2014 in October HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS ....for NATIONALL AWARD to OUR PROJECT 

Dear All I am happy to inform YOU that our C.S.B.Project has been awarded the India Book of Records for the "FIRST ECOFRIENDLY PROJECT FOR BLIND GIRLS " It CONFIRMS that C C Buch Public Charitable trust and the trustee DRCSBuch has been doing pioneering work on GO GREEN front for Visually Impaired Girls to reduce the cost at India only upto Rs 20 Crores ANNUALLY if USED by ALL those who read this. 

The project is costing NOTHING and USEFUL GLOBALLY and ANYONE can participate help the GIRLS ,ENVIRONMENT and cultivate ECOFRIENDLY habits in Children .Thanks for YOUR SUPPORT To have an IDEA and put into ACTION and then its being SOCIALLY USEFUL that too also from your hometown and useful GLOBALLY and getting awarded is awsome and gives a sense of achievement. 

Not only FIRST time for 2014 Limca Book of Records and INDIA Book of Records for 'Tipe Tipe Tandurasti' Health Education "ON AIR" in vernacular language for more than 550 days but SECOND time for an INNOVATIVE IDEA in consecutive year getting awarded IS a PROUD and HAPPY moment for the CCBuch Trust and YOUR TRUST in me and my activities.

We will be concentrating not so much on celebrating but on thinking about ANOTHER INNOVATIVE IDEA which helps another group of needy persons medically,socially or financially .Creative Successful projects are important not the awards associated with them ,though they DO HELP in taking the idea further . Please share IDEAS Contribute Support not money.Thanks again Dr.Creative Successful Buch Dr.Cost Saving Buch Dr.Charitable Social Buch Dr.Control Sugar Buch Cost-Saving-Braille-Community


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