WHO Day Celebration by Award Ceremony for Khel Mahakumbh Winners from Vadodara

World Health Organization Day was celebrated with the

Dr.Kalpit Baxi ,Ortho,President ,Society for Physically Handicapped Welcoming Guests

SPH was started in 1972 by Dr Kirit Vasavada ,the year when We came to Vadodara

Mrs Divyaben Mayurbhai Gandhi,SCBuch,Audience

Shri ADVyas of VNM and also the Handicap Society
Secretary welcoming DrCSBuch,Trustee,CCBuch Public Charitbale Trust

Shri Mayurbhai Gandhi,Gopinathji Motors,Vadodara

Shri ADVyas felicitating Sevatirth O Bearer
 Audience-The Sport Persons

Winners at Khel Mahakumbh

Overall 54 FIRST Ranks and othe about 50 Second and Third Rank Winners were Felicitated
 Gover of Gujarat would give Rs 10,000 to First,7000 to Second and 5000Rs to Third Rank Winners

The Lunch Boxes were given to the winner curtsey Divyaben Gandhi Family ,Thanks

 Mementos from CC BUCH PC Trust

As you can see most persons have come on Motrised BIKES and not usual tricycles showing the trend of improving earning and affording capacity of the participants ,a good thing for everyone in the society!

Rajesh Ahire distributing prize to the winner on WHO Day today

 Some people even went by tying their tricycles to the motor cycle to Ahmedabad to participate in their games because going by BUS would not solve the problem as Tricycle race would demand a cycle locally which they are used to !Did YOU ever travel by tricycle to Ahmedabad? I did CYCLE to Ahmedabad from Vadodara in eighties .

 Winner Couple in The Official Khel Mahakumbh Uniform !

Overall it was heartening to know How Much They Achieved INSPITE of their Handicaps where as WE the so called 'Normal' and 'Abled' persons have won how much in which event we need to PONDER OVER,Isn't it?

We were also taken on tour of the PT,Rehab,Computer Centre and other activities that are being done by SPH and are thankful to Narendrabhai and Dr Kalpit Baxi for giving this opportunity to be with the people who concentrated on their ABILITY and NOT Disability.


WHO is WHO of Vadodara Winners at Khel Mahakumbh, on WHO Day !

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