Multi-Dimensional Interests... MSU Pariwar

Nimish Narshana Congrats to you,


multi-dimensional interests...

multi-faceted personality...

multi-domain contribution...

multi-faculty enrichment...

on 2-1-2013 In response to :

MSU PARIWAR meets this week at Vadodara and we will will see many brilliant achievements there .
Let me share with YOU one which is MULTI FACULTY MULTI DOMAIN from Faculty of Medicine which will NOT feature in ANY LIST as IT DOES NOT belong to a SINGLE FACULTY !

Amongst FIRST in the COUNTRY we have :
1.The ONLY MD(Med) who is Certified Cyberlaw Consultant in the Country , from MSU only.
2.FIRST in the COUNTRY a CHAIRMAN of Computer Society of India at Vadodara and all over country who became a CHAIRMAN,CSI inspite of being a Medical Doctor!
3.FIRST time in country we have a Medical Doctor who is an Executive Committee member of Indian Society of Geomatics 
4.First time in the country we have The ONLY Asian Doctor invited to the European Commission for GLOBAL MCA GUIDELINES
5.FIRST TIME in the country MSU Doctor gets an unusual procedure of Reptilisation of Human Heart on a patient from Gujarat at Bombay with the patient being FIRST in state,3rd in COUNTRY and 85th in the world for PTMR from Stanford University 
6.FIRST TIME ever at India with MSU Doctor as Chairman Vadodara Internet Promotion Forum BSNL came out with 172 series which when used all over the country gave birth to the current ISPs and their network.This happened BEFORE even it was available anywhere including Maharashtra
7.Tipe Tipe Tandurasti -The Air Show for Public Health Education Tips ,
THE ONLY SHOW all INDIA where a MEDICAL DOCTOR and NOT an RJ gives HEALTH TIPS on AIR over MORE THAN 400 days continuously
That MSU Alumni is .....your friend Me...
Dr.Chaitanya S Buch from Faculty of Medicine


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