
Showing posts from August, 2010

CC BUCH TRUST and DRCSBUCH Recent Activities

Dear All Patients,Doctors,Donors,Welwishers, Our journey into various fields has been ongoing in an excellent way in Clinical,Computer,Charitable,Cyberlaw & Community Services ,There is NO DOUBT that because Dr Buch is working in one field he is concentrating LESS in another field. Brief outiline of Recent activities is offered below : GLOBAL GARVO GUJARATI, E.Y.E .ENROLL YOUR BOTH EYES On FACEBOOK TO SEE BEYOND YOUR LIFE,THEIR WORLD COMES LIVE IF YOU DONATE YOUR EYES,Be it CHILD,Husband or WIFE!.. CHARITABLE SOCIAL BUCH SC Buch,Father of Chaitanya Buch,Father of Chintan Buch celebrated Chintan's birthday under the auspices of Great GRAND FATHER CC BUCH's TRUST by distributing Schools Uniforms,pencils,notebook,rubber,timetables to 60 street children boys+girls with/no FATHER on The Father's day 20-06-2010 Go Green Solution for Blind Girls and Blind Men Globally: The BLIND children need to learn and practice Braille writing and reading d